
11 Things To Do For a Long and Healthy Life


10 Things To Do For a Long and Healthy Life

1.Downsize your meals as the day goes on

Skipping breakfast, nibbling at lunch, and gorging in the evening is rare in long-lived communities. Follow their lead of starting the day with food aplenty to lower the risk of obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

Our bodies cope better, in terms of insulin sensitivity, when we eat more at the start of the day.

2.Know how much is enough

The more overweight we are, the shorter our lives: fact!

according experts, one of the best things we can do to live longer is to stay a healthy weight. That means breaking a lifelong habit of overeating for many people.

Studies show that severely obese people can expect to live 10 years less than people of a healthy weight. So Talk to your doctor about what’s healthy for you.

3.Eat more plants

Look at the communities in the world with the longest life expectancies and one of the key things they share is a mainly plant-based diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Skewing your diet toward plants seems to protect against many age-related conditions, including heart disease, cancer, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.

24% reduced risk of heart disease from eating 13/4lb (800g) of fruits and veggies a day.

4.Eat the right carbs

Carbohydrates get a lot of bad press, and many people have jumped on the low-carb, high-protein bandwagon in search of magical weight loss and health gains. But, in longevity terms, carbs continue to be the main event in long-lived communities, while protein-rich foods play more of a supporting role.

Long-lived peoples around the world still eat plenty of carbs, but in smaller portions and mainly as whole grains.


5.Swap red meat for fish

It’s official: red meat should be off the regular menu if you want to live a long and healthy life. High intakes of red meat are unheard of in countries with the greatest number of centenarians. People aren’t necessarily vegetarian, but fish takes pride of place at the dinner table, with meat featuring only now and then.

35% lower risk of dying from heart disease for older adults with the highest levels of omega-3 fats.

6.Eat as nature intended

Which kind of eating do you think will help you live a longer and healthier life: a diet of fresh food in its natural form or one based on artificial, processed, and refined ingredients? Yes, you’ve guessed right—eating as nature intended scores best in terms of health and longevity.

58% rise in fruit and vegetable consumption when people learn to cook meals from scratch.

7.Choose naturally packaged fats

Whether it’s following the low-fat diet of Okinawa, Japan, or the higher-fat diet of the Mediterranean, people who live longest get their fats from natural foods alongside a host of other wholesome nutrients.

31% of all deaths worldwide were due to cardiovascular disease in 2015—equal to 17.7 million people.

8.Dose up on the sunshine vitamin

One of the most common nutritional deficiencies in the world is a lack of vitamin D . Since it’s so vital to health and longevity. It helps your body absorb calcium. it’s time to address the situation.

9.Choose foods across the color spectrum

For a long and healthy life, you need to be eating more than “your greens.” The phytochemicals in colorful produce have been linked to protection against heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.

64x more antioxidants exist in plant foods than in animal foods.

10.Drink plenty of fluids

Dehydration at any age can make you feel tired, weak, dizzy, and confused; affect your concentration and memory; and increase the risk of low blood pressure and urinary tract infections.

As we get older, staying hydrated becomes harder, so it’s important to know exactly what and how much you should be drinking.

11.Get Enough Sleep

A good night’s sleep can help you to reduce stress and keep your weight in a healthy range. It also gives you energy for the day ahead.

When you sleep enough, you help your body to repair and regenerate its tissues and strengthens your immune system.
