
See How Easily you can Make Black Garlic


Woman smelling the food, See How Easily you can Make a Black Garlic

Black garlic is basically fresh garlic that are kept around 140 Fahrenheit for two weeks. The low temperature cause a chemical reaction that converts the sugar in the garlic and make it turn black. It’s a sweet savory soft and chewy, and it has this molasses like richness.
Now study has found that it has twice the antioxidant level than fresh garlic, which mean is super healthy for you.

Now you can go buy black garlic in grocery store, but they are a little bit expensive, so how about making it yourself. It’s dead easy all you need is a rice cooker, garlic thyme and patient! let us show you how in this aricle.

We are using solo garlic, but you can use any type of garlic out there just pick the one that has a publish outer skin this tend to taste better. Choose garlic that are not crack or already sprouted.

1.Clean the garlic

White garlic, See How Easily you can Make a Black Garlic

Clean the garlic by using a damp paper towel and wipe the outside. for the rice cooker make sure you use the one that has a closed lid and a keep warm option.


2.Use a handmade mat

handmade mat, See How Easily you can Make a Black Garlic

We need to play something at the bottom of the rice cooker. You can use a handmade mat using a bamboo skewer and a butcher toing or you can also use a sushi mat.

3.Place a piece of paper towel at the bottom

Rice cooker, See How Easily you can Make a Black Garlic

It goes all the garlics it does not need to be one layer so the amount of garlic use is up to you, then cover the garlic with one or two more paper towels. Do not press the rice cook button just plug it in and don’t touch it for 10 days.

4.Plug your rice cooker in your backyard

It recommended and you should’nt do this indoor because by day 5 the whole house will smell like garlic.

It recommended and you should'nt do this indoor because by day 5 the whole house will smell like garlic.
Black Garlic

As you can see, black garlic is so easy to make, it’s super healthy for you, so we hope you try making this at home and eat it more often you can eat black garlic, just as is or you can add it on to pizza.
