
10 Things You Do That Your Cat Actually Hates


10 Things You Do That Your Cat Actually Hates

All the cat lover know the cats are over sensitive creatures. But not exactly in the way you may think, sometimes their behavior is just misunderstood. In this article, we’ll discuss the top 10 things cats hate, but you should avoid.

1. Low temperatures

10 Things You Do That Your Cat Actually Hates

Cats like temperatures of 20 degrees higher than human ideal temperature. In fact, a cat’s coat isn’t made to protect them from low temperatures, but it protects the delicate skin from extreme heat.

2. High pitched sounds

10 Things You Do That Your Cat Actually Hates

While cats hear low-pitched noises about just as well as we do, they can pick up high-pitched sounds much better than humans. High-pitched noises – cats come in ways you would not expect.  Ambulance sirens, loud music, hairdryers, vacuum cleaners, or even your phone’s ringtone are some of the high-pitched sounds that cats hate. This is another reason that we should never shout at our kitties as this only causes stress and anxiety.


3. Stale food

10 Things You Do That Your Cat Actually Hates

You may think that dry or wet food lasts for several days, but it doesn’t. Cats will eat fresh food that is newly opened, but they won’t touch it after that. Cats need to eat daily, but not in the same way that dogs do. If your cat is picking up their food they are telling you that they don’t like it because it may be stale, or they don’t like the flavor.

4. Surprises

10 Things You Do That Your Cat Actually Hates

You probably have watched videos of cats getting scared of cucumbers. But what actually happens is that your cat isn’t afraid of the cucumber itself, but it is the fact that the cucumber appeared next to them without them noticing it. Cats tend to be scared of the unknown as it could represent a danger or predator, and in the case of a cucumber a snake. Although, some may find it funny surprises cause anxiety and fear in your cat.  It’s best to look for other ways to have fun with your pet.

5. Dirty litter box

10 Things You Do That Your Cat Actually Hates

Cats are extremely clean animals.  They devote a large portion of their day for self grooming. They hate a dirty litter box, grimy toys or an unclean water bowl. Cleaning your cat’s litter box every day will make for a happy cat that loves to use the bathroom in the right place.


6. Certain smells  

10 Things You Do That Your Cat Actually Hates

One of the smells that cats can’t tolerate is gasoline. This is why if you take your cat to the vet, make sure the tank is filled beforehand. Cats also can’t tolerate the smell of onion or vinegar. But there’s more, menthol, wintergreen and mint are also scents that cats can’t handle. But before we give you a break there are more cents a cat will hide away from that’s lavender, citrus, rosemary and cinnamon.

7. Strangers

10 Things You Do That Your Cat Actually Hates

Cats do not like strangers or surprise visits. They like to feel they’re in control of the territory around them. Strangers bring a lot of new smells and signs that they have yet to explore. Cats usually hide what an unknown person or animal visits them. However, if they have been socialized since they were little. They usually don’t mind strangers as much.  Animal experts suggest that your cats need to approach your friends not the other way around.

8. Lack of routine

10 Things You Do That Your Cat Actually Hates

Routines are very important because cats are very sensitive to change. Cats like to be in control of their environment and a small change can unbalance them entirely. So if you need to make changes to your house, or move to another place make sure you prepare your pet in advance.


9. Balloons

10 Things You Do That Your Cat Actually Hates

Cats see balloons as a threat, that’s true. They can’t defeat. It looks to them like an intruder that may hurt you or them. Keep in mind if a cat finds a mouse or a large insect they have a chance of defeating it. With a balloon they just get scared because they can’t overcome it.

10. Riding in a car

10 Things You Do That Your Cat Actually Hates

Cats do not like getting in a car because it breaks up their daily routine of being at home.  Unlike dogs who love a good car ride, cats are the opposite they get very stressed out when confronted with situations that are uncomfortable. So if you have to take your cat to the vet get them a comfortable towel, they have snuggled in and then put them in a carrier. preferably one they’ve slept in  overnight, this will make them feel; like  they’re still in their own space.

Read also: 10 Things Cats Love the Most

Finally, make sure your favorite cat has an oasis in the desert, one where they can have a cool drink of clean water and also a peaceful bed where they can relax and call their own. This makes you an affectionate owner of a cat who will purr and rub against you and your friends with passion and affection.
